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We're excited to announce a new project: an anonymous online survey to gauge editors' and related professionals' real-life attitudes toward AI, actual usage of generative AI tools, and practical and ethical concerns.


It's a remarkable time to be a part of this profession. Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our jobs in ways most of us never dreamed two years ago. Some editors can't or don't use any AI at all, and some use it for many day-to-day tasks. This survey is designed to track current opinions and practices, then follow the trends over the next two years. This information is useful to the industry as a whole.


To be clear, this survey is anonymous. It doesn’t matter how you feel about AI tools or whether you use them. It only matters that you take the survey.


(Eleven hundred of you, we hope.)


Click here to be notified when the survey is open for response:


Results will be posted online as a free downloadable PDF at the end of 2024 by Frushour AI Consulting & Editorial. The report will include evaluation and data collection methodology.


Survey design and data collection methodology have been reviewed by two independent sources. The 1,100 number quoted above is adequate to represent a population of 100,000 with 3% margin of error at a 95% confidence level.

*and proofreaders, copywriters, authors, etc.

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